(PPC) Pay-per-click service

(PPC) Pay-per-click service

Paid Search Advertising (also called Pay-Per-Click Search engine marketing) is the fastest and easiest way to drive instant traffic to your web site in less than 48 hours. When you pay a search engine for each visitor they send to your site, this is called pay per click (PPC). Pay per click listings are usually marked as advertisements or “Sponsored Links” and appear above or beside the search engine’s organic listings.

You bid for certain keywords that describe your site and the products or services you offer. When a searcher searches with these keywords, they are brought to your site listing. Money is paid only when someone clicks on the listing. The investment is worth the spend when you consider that the people that visit your website are responding to specific descriptions about your product or service. They are interested in knowing more about buying your product. Our cost effective services ensure that you get full value for your money. Our cost effective approach allows you to manage your limited resources which will enable you maximize your Return on Investment ( ROI ) and not spend your advertising budget with no results.

Advantages to PPC:

Today PPC services have the best ROI as compared to other marketing channels.

Your competition may be using PPC services. So in order to outdo your competition the use of PPC services is essential.

Pay per Click increases your sales.

Whether your needs are short term or long term, using Pay per Click can bring you more targeted traffic.

PPC services          90%
Competition           80%
Pay Per Click          55%
Targeted Traffic      40%